Thursday 22 December 2011

soltices and what they mean all though I am no expert

I have been telling everyone was the Winter Solstice yesterday but was relieved to find it is actually today all though cant say has not made much difference to my we every day life so far !!
today has been quite a nice warm day I actually saw two people in their vest tops and pyjamas clearly the in look!

Today even when the sun is at its highest point it is still at its lowest point than other days innthe year this sounds completely double dutch but hey its true !!

I must admit not much good at Geography but to see the sun at midday you had to be in the region of the Ar tic Circle if you live above the Ar tic circle sadly you wont see it !!although really you should know all this as you either see the sun or you don't or maybe life for you is half full or half empty but hey that is another subject
The actual moment of the solstice was today at 5.30am I guess most people were like me and fast asleep but at that moment HEY HO the sun turned direction wow !! I bet the sun got 10 out of 10 in Gymnastics and a badge1

I bet you have often said today is the SOLSTICE but actually never knew what the word meant well wait no more it means "sun stands still and hey we can now do more things in the day as the day is longer !!
After today we have to wait 6 months for the longest day whiis of course is the merry month of JUNE but allot of people forget about EQUINOX when the days and nights are exactly equal don't know wether this makes much difference to sleep pattern!
The winter solstice used to fall on the 25th of December as that is when Julius Cesar liked it to be in 46BC but i guess not even CESAR can be in charge of the moons and stars!!
At Stonehenge the face ofGREAt TRillithon faces the rising sun today although I have no idea which way he faces on the other days.
As all know Greeks love their myths and all the gods and goddesses used to meet on the solstices and have a do well raves etc do take place at the Summer solstice but think people a bit busy with the festival of Christmas looming to take much notice o the Winter Solstice sad but true!
One place that like to celebrate today is good old Brighton where they have celebration called the burning of the clocks although as per usual it was cancelled by good old health and safety well they do like to get involved in most things

May all your days be sunny ones

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