Saturday 31 December 2011

bye 2011 and what we may hace forgot

A few hours ago the old day ended and 2012 began. I can never make up my mind do I like New year as being diabetic find it quite difficult with food and drink the best of times and as I am only human contary to belief am human and do succunb at certains times of the year like last night which I paid for being sick one day will learn!
I bet you have forgotton what 2011 stood for like it was the year of forests and was actually the international year of chemistry so obviously has gone out with a bang !
I am not much into maths but was the first prime numbered year since 2003 and think may have another in 2013 or 2017!
I did fail maths !
I am not much of a cakemaker but I do know cupcakes have become big and one New Yorker Tim JANUS ate 42 of them in eight minutes and the ran to the nearest bathroom !! in very quick time !

Thier is an actual association of competitive eating and their has been lots of food eating competitions like eating asparagus, bufflo wings, and something verhot and in everyones cupboards pickled jalapeno chillis which was 275 in eight minutes and the a dash for water in super quick time !

The one record noone knows about bar the Irish is in Dublin 262 people dressed as Leprechauns actually I am surprised not more they must have been somewhere drinking Guiness !

Also in Ireland not all good news for the first time ever spontaneous human combustion was reported as someones death not sure what this means but sounds intelligent !

ON a cheerier note hopefully Southern sudan will have a happier and safer year just knowing that they are the 193rd nation in the UN we will all sleep more soundly knowing that !
EStonia may have been a bit of a blunder joining the euro and became the 17th nation to doso just as so many seem to be leaving the party and very strangely the coins seem to be mad in Finland !

We were not overtaken by Aliens but actually mobiles as more of those things than humanson our planet !

Oh well hope this will be a safe new year to all especially in Vietnam as they take duty very seriously and police no longer allowed to wear dark sunglases , I should think not take care

Wednesday 28 December 2011


Tomorrow off to see Puss in boots not to sure whether looking forward to it today in 1895 before mine and yours time the first cinema opened or at least the first screening of pictures moving by the Lumiere brothers and that was the beginning to what we see today scrawling screaming kids popcorn all over the place and people chatting right the way through!who know maybe it was like that then.

Today we normally only see 1 film but i know from my dad you used to see a couple of films with the news put in for good measure , I may go to the cinema at the most once a month but I know my dads generation went a few times a week

Today we see one large blockbuster film and doubt I would be able to sit through anything longer but the first cinema showing was of 10 short films showing exciting things like workers leaving the factory (exciting) and the last one showing people bathing in the sea (Now that could have been interesting !

Just in case you felt you were missing something the 3rd film was called "fishing for goldfish!!! I ber all is upset you missed that now !

I normally tell people I am going to the pictures or if feeling posh use the word cinema which is slightly better than using the word "CINEMATOGRAPH" I suppose that is the so called thing that projected the film onto screen !!

around about 2 years ago a person in china got angry about the amount of time wasted in the cinema watching adverts a total of 20 minutes need less to say she was a lawyer !!
I would have out money on it being the Brits or the Yanks who go the Cinemas but guess what it is the Icelanders perhaps it is to get out of the cold !!although saying the most individual visits are from India !!

I have never been one to sit on the back row seeing got aspergers but you would not do this in Kelantanwhich of course is in Malaysia where it was ruled that the lights must be kept on at all times to stop people canoodleing !!!
The minster from Malaysia argued "If we can watch TV at home with the lights on the why not in the cinema !!! I wonder what the birth rate is doing I'm Malaysia !

AS I have aspergers syndrome I don't like noise and will glare at people if they make load of noise or shout but don't think I would go as far as someone in Latvia who shot someone dead for eating popcorn to loudly during the thriller of BLack swan !!
I dont think going to the cinema will ever die out as it is still counted as an experience but doubt we will ever beat the year of 1946 when 1.64 billion went In 2010 it was 169 million !


Thursday 22 December 2011

soltices and what they mean all though I am no expert

I have been telling everyone was the Winter Solstice yesterday but was relieved to find it is actually today all though cant say has not made much difference to my we every day life so far !!
today has been quite a nice warm day I actually saw two people in their vest tops and pyjamas clearly the in look!

Today even when the sun is at its highest point it is still at its lowest point than other days innthe year this sounds completely double dutch but hey its true !!

I must admit not much good at Geography but to see the sun at midday you had to be in the region of the Ar tic Circle if you live above the Ar tic circle sadly you wont see it !!although really you should know all this as you either see the sun or you don't or maybe life for you is half full or half empty but hey that is another subject
The actual moment of the solstice was today at 5.30am I guess most people were like me and fast asleep but at that moment HEY HO the sun turned direction wow !! I bet the sun got 10 out of 10 in Gymnastics and a badge1

I bet you have often said today is the SOLSTICE but actually never knew what the word meant well wait no more it means "sun stands still and hey we can now do more things in the day as the day is longer !!
After today we have to wait 6 months for the longest day whiis of course is the merry month of JUNE but allot of people forget about EQUINOX when the days and nights are exactly equal don't know wether this makes much difference to sleep pattern!
The winter solstice used to fall on the 25th of December as that is when Julius Cesar liked it to be in 46BC but i guess not even CESAR can be in charge of the moons and stars!!
At Stonehenge the face ofGREAt TRillithon faces the rising sun today although I have no idea which way he faces on the other days.
As all know Greeks love their myths and all the gods and goddesses used to meet on the solstices and have a do well raves etc do take place at the Summer solstice but think people a bit busy with the festival of Christmas looming to take much notice o the Winter Solstice sad but true!
One place that like to celebrate today is good old Brighton where they have celebration called the burning of the clocks although as per usual it was cancelled by good old health and safety well they do like to get involved in most things

May all your days be sunny ones

Happy #solstice UK! Good times! on Twitpic

Happy #solstice UK! Good times! on Twitpic

Thursday 10 November 2011


umm I have mixed views on the protests which have been outside ST Paul's for the last couple of weeks!

wow !!! the church has gone back to its roots (song in their somewhere)and remembered the story of Jesus in the temple etc although believe this to be about the greed of banks and so not to sure why r they outside a famous cathedral and not a famous bank!
I can see why the church is in a difficult position as far as know they are rolling about with fancy robes and other such expenses while people are struggling to find the basics of life such as food and heat but still don't know why protesting at a church!! and know lately they have begun protesting outside Liverpool!

It always amazes me how many of our national treasures are sometimes destroyed by fire the first cathedral was actually built their in 604 by as if you did not know by mellitus who was in case you did not know the bishop of the east Saxons ' never knew their was such a thing but still but fire would not defeat it and it was rebuilt in 962
They must like rebuilding it as actually been rebuilt 5 times
the design we see today is of course by sir Christopher Wren but took awhile from design to brick and water as was begun building in 1675 but not completed til 1710!

Although we recently had protests at st Paul's this was not really violent like in 1913 when the suffragettes and yes they did suffer actually wenta bit further than chaining selves to railings and tried to blow the place up by putting a bomb under the chair throne in the choir did not know they could sing , I think we all know it did not work!!

We all know that Nelson died at the battle of Trafalger but not many know he is buroed in the crypt of ST PAULS at the very centre betweem the crossing and dome , just incase you fellt like leaving flowers !!

I advise you having a snack before climbing the steps to the tope as their is 528 of them to the top if you want to go to the highest point of the cathedral
St pauls had the title of the tallest building for quite along time or high time and 365 feet was the tallest building from 1710 til 1962

The majority of high and mighty people are married at the other place down the road but one monarch was buried their and that was of cours Ethelred the unready in 1016!

I hope noone has an accident with the dome asis very weighty at 65,ooo tons and the lantern weighs all of 850 tons so dont drop on your head that all and let s hope that this great building is about for alomng time to come

Sunday 2 January 2011

the damage a card sent in jest !

I have never been one who has really understood Valebtines day having never or got one as have aspergers and do not really like touch and would rather just have friendships the deep wishy washy relationships this does not I do not understand what love is in one of my reading groups we were having a discussion on marriage and I was told quite wrongly that I had not right to comment as not married but as I pointed out I have not been on the Titanic or in a war but can still have an idea what must have been like from what I read and know oh well enough about my trifles (not the eating kind and onward with story)

The sending of the Valentine sent allot of of mutterings around the table mainly that you should not mess around with Emotions and also what you see as harmless can deeply harm the other person although you can thoroughly understand another person fully such as Bathsheba was probably deeply perplexed by Boldwoods Indifference to her and a woman does thrive on being noticed . BOldwood was obviously confirmed Bachelor and this card has not only opened Pandora's box but also a whole can of worms!!
It is funny in life but sometimes a small thing can have such a huge effect on someone but often an event can take hold of your thoughts and being and does not let go like when Boldwood opens the Valentine and is like"the large red seal became a blot on the retina of the eye.
FATE definatley play its part in this story as Fanny is set to marry TROY as many a bride does not of ten do she goes to the wrong church , the chapteris very short like the nuptils which never take place, althpugh this is a strange chapter as we feel the sadneess and confusion it is quite humourous the way the villagers snigger and titter at TROY although alot of us could not understand why not just go to the right church or just change it to another the day but then the book would be much shorter !! and not much of a story!!(although it always seemed rather odd aqgreeing to get wed in the first place oh well! none so queer as folk