Monday, 29 November 2010
back to hardy after rest
We are reading this in a warm church hall but we can feel the atmosphere darken especially as Fanny is talked about as "A spot almost lost lost in the snow"
This thing called LOVE should not be seen as a game but it seems that way throwing snowballs to get TROYS ATTENTION but feels alot more sinister when we hear the others teasing TROY about this aspect of his life,
the group talk about their games in the emotion of love and alot depends on whether you come out on the winning side!!
Bathsheba is out and about on her farm and it is noticeable how she calls Oak "YOU but everyone else by their christian name but as the saying you only hurt the ones you love and we all get the feeling that it is Oak on her mind.
A farm ladies job is never done and next she is off to the cornmarket were Bathsheba gets annoyed as everyone notices her bar one man a Mr Bold wood and it is a very brave man who ignores Bathsheba although we are not told at first who is the scoundrel who is ignoring her til quite a way later perhaps very cleverly done to experience the range of emotions she does!!
The next event may seem only minor event ut one that may have major consequences for ever the sending of a valentine and as a joke shock horror! dont think it will be viewed as a joking manner
Saturday, 6 November 2010
more romantic Hardy!
Wandering through in the dark churchyard Oak comes across what seems to be a small spot on the landscape but isinfact Young girl who asks not to tell anyone he has seen her , although we do not know this girls story and what will happen something tells us she is about to became quite major and will become more of a small blot!!
The girl seemed to be holding a small bundle leading to much disscussionabout what she was running from and whether the bundle was in fact a baby( I dont want you to worry to much so be rest assured it did not we were to find out)
SO now off to the pub to meet the locals a nice bunch of people and quite comic in thir way, and although we only briefly meet the characters we quickly warm to them just like you down the local, they warm to Gabriel as we are as he sings not jolly songs , which are not to rowdy, not like the pubs in Birkenhead then . After Gab rial has left the scene we are allowed to listen to the locals who inform us that Bathsheba has indeed sacked her Bailiff for stealing funnily enough his name is Pennyways, not sure if a Bailiff is viewed as exactly as we do today( as contrary to belief don't know everything)!!
WE also learn that Fanny Robin has run away and putting 2and 2 together and actually coming up with four this is the person who Gaberial met previously on the moor and with that I must leave you wondering were all this is leading all this talk of pubs has left me thirsty and so off for a drink !!!! NO OF TEA)
I must admit the book shows you should judge things for yourself instead of letting other people do the judgeing for you as on the whole the vast majority are enjoying the story although the decripitions by hardy do ramble on on abit but we all bring our own lives into the things we write as Hardy did trainn to be an architect perhaps the we can only expect such detailed manner but enough about structure more on the love entanglememts of the people of Wetherbury.
Its time to meat another love interest that of Mr Boldwood who alot of the ladies have tried to woo but with no sucessand he seems to be unaware of the arousal he arises in the womanfolk and seems to be very fromal when inquireing about Bathsheba .
This arouse lotsof discussion in the group about how difficult it is as still today expected that mem make the first move and how it knocks them back to be refused . I must admit the women of the group kept pretty quiet as this was discussed but all nodding and agreeing all the same time very clever!!
WE meet a couple more characters such as Liddy Maryann ,and the coggans which again provide us with a few smiles , I told you I am determined t0 prove that Hardy can make you make smile!and it is not til reading further that we realise minor characters in abook or in life can actually turn the tide in life thats got you thinking if nothing else!!
Sunday, 24 October 2010
hardy and co no zzzzzzz
a total turn around for GABRIEL since the loss of his sheep, he has to go for others to work, it was quite a relief to have less sadness and gloom concerning wildstock.It was quite interesting to note the different characters of the country folk and to be given personalities instead of being portrayed simply as country folk but lives as we are all humans beings in this game of life , does not matter how low down the social scale we are!!! (lecture over)on with the story
Gabriel fails to find a job here so trys again, yes nearer to where Bathsheba lives, just pure coincidence I am sure!!but before he arrives at the quiet village (just persuming it is quiet my brother lives in a village and is full of life)of shotsfort he sees hayrick on fire and true to form puts the fire out Yeah Gabriel saves a day, this raises a few smirks how their lives seem to be entwined so much early on this tale
In another book reading at the moment COlD comfort farm their is much joviality at the way the farm names of REUBEN and Seth are used often at the expense of Hardy
Th e reading group discussed coincidences and how strange they can be if a certain person had not taken a certain path how different lives would have been!
It was quite a relief to meet the country folk after the drama of the previous chapters and brought a few welome chucklesso Hardy not so miserable
I must admit it was not that much of a shock when Bathsheba had been rescued by sturdy Oak although afew gasps were heard when she took off her veil and their she was!(SHOCK HORROR)
Their folllows a complete reversal of fortunes Gaberialno longer asking for a hand in marriage and is nnow in need of employment which is strangely offered by Bathsheba but THe modern day soap operas are full of coincidences and all in the one street!!!so although the romance seems to be over between the two in someways due to fate still very much together!
Sunday, 17 October 2010
More tragic Hardy! 3!
A few chuckles were raised as learning of!George and his son called aptly"Georges son!"just in case we were confused about parentage i presume
Being a young dog and obviously full of enthusiamand enjoyed his new found job just a little to much and one night when Gabe rial chose to sleep indoors instead of outhe awake not to the sun shining through the window but of sheep bells clanging and getting up quickly and not with the usual just five minutes more awoke to the horror of what georges son had done
THE mood of the readers decreased as we were thinking maybe things would have been different if Gabe rial had slept outside as per usual but alot of times in life we think of "IF ONLY" stories
I have always liked Gaberieal from the start but a few people did not like his role as [PEEPING TOM BUT our hearts generally warmed to him and the fact although full of woe it was not fo him but for the sheep and the was really Good thing that Bethsheba was no longer betrothed to him as he was no longer good marriage material as this tragedy had left hin penniless!!
AS for SON OF GEORGE what was going to happen to him the only option really was to shoot him!
AS you can imagine the reading group mood was sown beat so I tried to lighten things up with the talk about a lamb i used to look after but then realised not really the subject to cheer all up as murphy my pet Lamb also become to the Grim reaper
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Hardy no zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 2
Oh well I digress on with the story ch.4 were he meet Gabriel as someone commented putting on his "pulling gear "on, quite amusing listening how he got himself ready and what was he going to do not just a simple "what are you doing on Sunday lets watch the sun set but ask her to marry him!!! but as we discussed last time I think fell in love BANG!!!! straight away!!
The pocket watch makes a regular appearance not 100% sure why probably something to do with time !!(HA) or how things improve with time passing and of course in farming worlds the timing of the crops etc is very important! OH well time will tell!
We discussed Gabriel's Naivety such as planning babies and all sorts of rushing in to it with eyes half closed/ open well you get the drift!
Gabriel is totally baffled and just cannot believe he has been turned down , we looked at the phrase "love is a possible strength but can also be a weakness so being love can make people very strong or in Gabriel OAK very weak like a weeping willow!
That old chestnut of class wondering who out of the two were of the higher class and of course , today we can be wherever we want in the world today very quickly in a blink of an eye but in those days not much call for easy jet!
Touchingly Bethsheba would like the trims and tassels of a wedding and the thought of everyone looking at her for that special day but not the actual living today , I myself could feel sympathy with her as being aspergic I do not cope very well with certain type of relationships especially as don't like human touch and although I think everyone dreams of a fairytale wedding in life , I know it will never happen but hey the other 60 million in our country can keep our human race chugging along!
Gabriel took this refusal of his hand very badly saying "don't have to love me but you will get to despise me"" Oh deer this statement sends a shudder through my spine i think I can look into my crystal ball and see afew more disasters befalling these two and Gabriel does not seem to be the type of character to fight for his love saying as a member of the once club saloon and only asks once!! He seems to believe most thing he is told as when told Bathsheba has 12 men after , her well, thinking their was no room for number 13 he ups and leaves oh well hope their luck improves but being hardy I will lay no bets
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
hardy missing out the zzzzzzzzzz! !
First things the title FAR from the madding crowd conjure up various images such as escaping like we are from the town to deepest wessex to a more simple life! or as one lady sudgested it just escaping from the mad people you meet in life !! I am with the former but still early days
I have read Mayor of Casterbridge and yes I did enjoy but have been told this is BORING but lets not give a final verdict til at least half way !
The main character called GABRIAL OAK gave abit of discussion of his name as someone called FRED !WILLOW would not give off the same aura ! as the mere name GABRIAL sound stating the obvious quite angelic and an oak is sure and steady and grows over time !
BETHSHEBA reminds you of yje other bethsheba and her behaviour with David in the bible although must reread this as not entirely sure of Bethsheba in bible!!
I was quite surprised to find us laughing quite frequently with the meeting of the two over the toll bar and the payment of twopence , I found him quite a likable character cant put my finger on it!! but not all thought so especially when the 2Nd installment came creeping along and found Mr Gabriel peeping through a crack at two women discussing the most exciting subject of sheep so from then on he became MR PEPPING TOM but come on only human nature to take a peep and I think you are lying if you are saying you would not!
BEING honest the 2nd chapter found few of us going on " oh we want a story as a lot of waffle about all things nature , I do like the finer things in life but cant stand waffle in a story (but then I am a fine one to talk or maybe that should be write
Good point while discussing this chapter at least you could feel the country side almost and this gave discussion how difficult a farmers life is and probably how isolated he feels so as said no wonder he peeped!
Bathsheba came across as a bit of a teese and somewhat vain especially when admiring herself in the mirror but most young girls do that !
By now settling down but we were glad of abit of drama which we got with a lost hat , yes you did read that right but much laughter as the peeping Gaberial was watching bethsheba as lost her hat but he dutifully returned it,but we were beginning to wonder if already in love and much discussion about "love at first sight" and wow ! how she blushed like a red tomato when she returned the hat ( just picture an overripe tomato)
the drama gets hotter and hotter as Gabriel overheats what is cooking like me not a fan of masterchef but luckily his faithful friend, what else but a dog goes for help from bathsheba
and all is well or otherwise would have been a very short book!
The humour between the two is very much evident and not to much is mad of the great and gallant rescue and their it all ended and yes we did enjoy it and we did laugh at Hardy wow!
more zz z of the sheep next time!
Monday, 20 September 2010
feeling crabby
Last week a company's selling various sauces like mustard took local children on their local crabapple fruit collecting day to make jelly with and you thought all that went out of fashion yeons a go!!
Actually the English Dictionary does not know what the word means so what chance have us mear mortals and not sure whether crabs or apples are related !
I am not sure whether Shakespere understood the word crab but that is what the dog is called in two gentlemen of verona
I don't think i have ever been bitten by a crab but i would not like to be snapped by a Japanese spider crab which its leg span is over 12 feet , well I am 5 feet four so this is unimaginable well its not but still and don't forget weighs over 40 pound and live for about a century so all that pinching and nipping people must be doing some good
I am not to sure how many people will go to Japan , I doubt it will be me as don't Even like leaving merseyside but still be aware very afraid as their is the largest crab called spider crab whose legs can reach over 12 feet yes that is right 12 feet golly goshand weigh over 40llb and lives over 100 years so although well a pensioner dont have a fight with it!
Their has been a lot of of fuss over the years of women parading around the world in beauty concerts but what about crabs who I am sure have no choice not like human beings but in Ocean city NEW JERSEY they have a concert for crabs were the C winner is crowned MISS CRUSTAEAN(I bet miss beautiful crab was not crabby that day)! the winners have been very varied such as COPA CRABANA Crabunzel, SANTA CRAB AND CRABOPATRA and you thought human names were bad!
I adore crab sticks!In fact I can eat packets at a time well maybe exaggerating slightly but unsure if is actual crab I am eating but still tastes yummy , but many humans must like crabs as 1.5 million are eaten each year!! ( I thought i liked them but not this much!
You would have thought that the crabeater seal would eat crabs as its name suggests but NO ! not on its menu but small shrimps needless to say it was not the cool British but the french who named the frog should have been SHRIMP EATER but still we all make mistakes with names!
I don't know how long humans have been eating crabs but the crab peeler was not patented til 1980 by Harry M.snr!! oh well i am getting ratty now or should I say crabby so will nip off!
Sunday, 5 September 2010
Thursday, 2 September 2010
The great fire of London actually started today in 1666 and destroyed most of the medieval city of London!
At a rough guess 13,2oo houses were burnt down, and 87 Churches including the original ST Pauls cathedral although i never believe these numbers , i have always wondered about the number things and who it is who counts the houses or today the number of people who visit a shopping centre, in a day how do they know!
Today the first thing someone thinks when disaster strikes is "I hope I have paid enough insurance " well you might not know (or you May depending what you read that we have got the
Great Fire as the first insurance company started a year later and aptly called the fire office
Today comments are often mad about the ridiculous names people have especially the craze to have the most original name but THANK GOD not got the original name of the person involved with the insurance agency was "hath christ not died for thee wouldst be damned Barebone "" so was quite understandable when changed name to NICHOLAS which his mates probably hastend to change to NICK although his Dad had thename Issac nothing wrong with that but not to sure of the "PRAISE GOD bit
I have always been slightly frightened of Fire when quite young I remember a flim something about people falling into fire but dont want to dwell to muchas wont sleep tonightand I rember coming home one day and the house behind us was gutted due to a chipshop fireand was always checking things especially when people who smoked came into the house!!although Hans Christian Anderson must have had a fear of fire always carried a bit of rope to clambour down on incase of the Shout FIRE!
A friend of my brothers also died in a fire which was a pure accident probably started with a hairdryer left 2 brothers managed to escape but not the eldest, people always this kind of thing will not happen to them but I am afraid to tell you fire causes 600 deaths a year and 18,600 injuries and actually 3/4 of all accidents in the home so beware you have been warned
The cost of fire damage to our homes and other building currently cost about 7 billion a year not something to be sneezed at , but then while i write about all these disasters , this reminds me got on Insurance so maybe Iam one of those that says will never happen to me although people who know me say very accident prone
The most famous fire will I think always be the GREAT FIRE OF LONDON so only fitting to have a huge monument which is 202 feet tall and stands exactly 202 feet from were the original fire started although I would hate to be the one who does all the calculations, Leave that to the numbers people and stick to my words.
One of the most famous quotes was by KING HENRY V who stated "War without fire is like sausages without mustard, although I eat my sausages with no dressings so to capture the flavour !(OH well I suppose it was a long time ago he said that)
Oh well for a game of MONOPOLY BUT i doubt wont last as long as the one on the end of a fire engine which lasted 101 hours obviously no water to dampen the spirit then
Monday, 30 August 2010
Friday, 6 August 2010
6/8/45 / what do think of HIROSHIMA
When the bikini became fashionable it recieved perhaps as you can imagine an explosive reactionn, as it was not long before this that people were more or less completly covered up!!
We tend to think of a bomb as a device that has not been around to long but as actually been around since 1588 ( told you I was wide awake in history)so not really a new fangled thing of the last century although saying that only used as a word then !! c.onfused ( good ) like cofusing people.
I am hopeless at lanuages but most words we use originate in other landsand a lot of words originate from THE GREEK , i was useless at FRENCH but lets give this a go
BOMB comes from the word BOMBOS which means a humming sound i have never thought what sound a bomb makes but doubt a humming sound as I think of something which is happy hums
In the swinging 6os the word to bomb out came into being as to fail in somthing but lots of uses of the word bomb such as driving a round in one , or wish I had a bomb (Money) dont take all what I say literally.I have never heard of these two expressions as a long pass in football is a bomb or a mass of Lava!!
Oh well I am practically Bombed out and I dont try to think of EINSTEINS quote
"I do not believe that civilisation will be wiped out in a war fought with the atomic bomb'.Perhaps two thirds of the people of the earth will be killed>
Hope I have not worried you and everyone sleeps well and think will of brighter thoughts next time
Thursday, 5 August 2010
Monday, 2 August 2010
Sunday, 1 August 2010
I am not allowed to drive for health reasons, but I get a free bus pass which I make good use of
but sometimes it would be nice to look at views and places that are inaccessible by public transport ,hence the photo below!!!
It is actually 100 years ago that the co-founder of rolls Royce died ( and no I am not related to him but people who know me know I have a brain full of facts useful information , i have been known to drive lots of people crazy with.
The way CHARLES died was slightly moving (spot the pun)as he became the first Briton to die in a flying accident as he was in a display when the plane tail flew off,their are alot of hidden dangers in showing off!!
Although I an diabetic have been known to succumb to the odd MARS Bar but then run around madly to burn the sugar off but their is a certain company who works out how many mars bars it would cost to buy something and the answer is 347,0000, how they work these thing out and as i failed maths miserably I am glad not me as would definitely be in hospital!!
Another useless fact is the average person takes 645 car journeys a year who finds thes info is astounding and how do they know what a car journey they may have to make the same journey twice in one day of left their house keys behind.
I often think looking out on my street that we are being overtaken over by cars and one day will be stuck in a massive big TRAFFIC JAM if by chance all went out at the same time but what a shock if people in SOMALIA and LOS ANGELES swapped lands for the day as there are more
cars in L ANG than people in SOMALIA, but in SOMALIA there are 200 times more camels than cars .I Think if I had the choice of camels or cars , i would go with the humped variety but I suppose depends on distance travelled and the weather!
Although we tend to think drunken loutish behaviour is a thing of today,, I think there has nearly been drunks and louts since time began as the it first became the first drink
driving law thing happen way back in 1872, I would love to know what people were like at this time and I cant really imagine many people having transport.
People tend to complain about speeding and i know for my dad has been caught countless times for being just slightly over and always in the land of song WALES , as is so difficult when driving along on an A road but all of a sudden come across a squashy bendy thing, but speed limits are their for a reason 25 million people have lost their lives in road accidents, I know of two people who have died in crashes but never the less it is always a shock and so many people think will not happen to me or my friend or relative . MY mum was in a very bad crash when someone else went through the lights and hit her friends car and is still a very nervous driver.
Speeding laws have been around centuries but it would have been amusing to see cars travelling about in 1865 with a man walking in front with a red flag so luckily not happening today imagine cars ambling along today with every car with a man walking in front
So next time you are ambling about at a snail pace think of this!!!
The red flag was done away in1878 maybe to many cars correspond with the flag wavers but the speed limit was still at a rate of a tortoise with 2mph in the cities and 4mph in the country
You will never moan about traffic speed or jams again after reading this
All cars have number plates but you would need alot of dosh to buy the most unique which is just one number of course 1as is the one and only one but cost 7.1million back in 2008 so being unique does not become cheap.
Oh well if you cant make your mind whether to get a burger from a well known chain it actually works out cheaper to get a Car BROOOOOOOOOm!
FOR someone who does not drive or takes little interest in transport i don't half do a lot of road miles , oh well off on my buss pass
Friday, 30 July 2010
champers we all became BLOGGERS
you could end up in A+E if you pat yourself on back for to long TRYIT!!!
CONGRATULATIONS BLOGGING CLASS of 2010 as we all graduated
We are more than half way through 2010 and I will always think of this summer , well if you can call it that I learnt how to blog(well sort of , still a few niggly problems but am sure can iron them out although I am known for burning a few items while Ironing)
Although at times I felt a bit frazzly , on the whole I really enjoyed the experience but more than anything it was the people who made the experience such a positive one, although we were all ages and had different experiences in the media world we live in although at time I feal things move abit to fast and occasionally think how nice it would be to get letters from the postman instead of bills , a vast number of today's children have never received a letter in the post!
oh well! time goes on as they say
The first time I went to Rock Ferry library(Not literally)for the blogging , I came in like a whirlwind claiming I may just stay a little while but I continued going as the vibes were right sounds creepy but I get vibes from the situation I am in and I need to feel comfortable with the people and the surroundings or the chances are I will begin to meltdown, don't worry I know i am not an Ice -cream but because of the aspergers I turn in to a 2 year old if not happy!!!!
Oh well all this leaves me to say is a big thank you to all as although we were all Individuals ,there was definitely allot of gel about as we all bonded together!
NO more prattle !Where did Iput the champers !
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Friday, 2 July 2010
Spying which has been in the news lately but made me wonder about the differences of spying and just observing the life around us ok I know one is more sinister and a shiver runs down my spine as think how my best friend and myself would go to the local park and follow someone luckily no harm came to us but we thought ourselves as the famous 2 not the famous five not original but what do you expect at eight!!
I suppose if I really wanted to find about spying I would go to WASHINGTON DC were they have a spy museum their although would be very wary of other people visiting as I would wonder what are they up to !!!
In the last couple of years FACEBOOK and twitter have become as popular as what sliced bread would have been when first hit the shelves but basically it is just plainly being nosey and the vast amount of posts are of little interest such as "hi , i am going to bed now ", well so is the rest of the country but occasionally find something of note!!!!
I felt a bit awkward going around taking photos of houses and other sites but if no one had made a record of the past history would not have been so true to life or maybe this depends on the type of teacher you had!!!
Spies come in all forms of life and in may the spy that was arrested was a pigeon , well i am not a great fan of flying rats especially as they ate my telephone wires but would not do them any harm unlike in India were they had them under armed guard as thinking the bird had been to Pakistan on a spying mission , wounder what the code it tweeted was.
Oh well ! I suppose should not worry about any problems on observing on life as the last person to be executed was at the TOWER of LONDON and a GERMAN called JOSEF JAKOBS and he was executed siting down as with his rush to find out secrets had broken is ankle so he was shot that way so if get in any trouble very much doubt things will go that far as that happened nearly 70 years ago so hopefully will sleep well look out you don't know who may be watching
Sunday, 27 June 2010
Plans ,were made in about 1837 to establish a gated community whether this was to keep the undesirables out or to keep the crazy people is undecided but this was a very exciting time not just in Merseyside but the whole country was alive with the excitement of the coming coronation of Queen Victoria at the tender age of 18#
Thursday, 24 June 2010
the last bank holiday blog!!!
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Tuesday, 15 June 2010
BANK holiday3
below shows a beautiful building from in the
distant past a pottery firm was established but silly me was that impressed that i forgot its name, but whats a name between friends!!!
I have travelled up and down WHETSTONE lane SO many times i have lost count but I did fail maths dismally but hidden away is some beautiful houses which i would never had known they had existed if it wasn't for the walk today sadly alot of buildings are not protected and left to go to rack and ruin or demolished and turned into flats I sometimes think one day will have to go to a museum to see what an actual house looked like!! but i suppose i am prone to exaggeration (NOT)
WE then progressed to clifton park and looked at the lovely houses their a mixture of modern houses and ones that have survived the past ONE HOUSE used to be used to sell pottery and some of the houses are quite unique luckily some have got preservation orders on them, a very friendly man came out of his home and encouraged us
to take photos which was really nice but i could tell he was proud of his surrounding but when i saw him i was about to do the 100 metres up the hill
Sunday, 13 June 2010
Onward and upwards,not far from were W. OWEN Lived used to be a convert school which is now a housing estate the elderly, the names of the roads mostly take a religious aspect of life! IN the past the people in charge would not allow a road to be named after a SAINT as the rivalry between catholics and prosentants was very strong and their is no Catholic CHURCH in TRANMERE!!!! Enough about religion quarrels and on to more interesting matters that of post boxes, the one shown is only 1 of a few left from this ERA on the wirral, I have never taken much notice of post boxes before in life but like allot of things not noticed in life til gone pretty much like the iconic red phone box
Thursday, 3 June 2010
looking forward going back
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
I must admit i don't think much of bank holidays as I dont work it really just means more people about which to me can be considered abit of a pain.I got an E-mail from elaine letting me know about a variety of walks which were going on this week, although i have lived in BIRKENHEAD it is always amazing what you can find about your area !! so made arrangements with DOT and we were off although as per usual I had the wrong meeting place luckily DOT had her car and before could say "LOUBY LOU we were with the others.
The group seemed friendly and quickly geled together,and ROY who was taking us on our history tour was certainly not someone who fell asleep in history!!!!
A few members went onlooking at different things they could find to eat or scavenging which i must admit sounds like fun but maybe next time as cant be in two places at once.
I have always known that WILFRED OWEN the war poet live in Birkenhead for a short while but this was the first time i had ever seen his home ( SHAME on Me)
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
looking forward going back
Thursday, 20 May 2010
continyeing adventures of out on alimb
Today was sadly the last proper meeting of our little community , although i have missed a few sessions due to transport or illness , i feel time has flown but we have promised to carry on with our new found hobby and Blog away to each other .
so fingers and toes crossed.
WE discussed the project as a whole which was goodas felt free and was interesting instead of the boring pieces of paper people love you to fill in , but i gaily refuse ,I think i have told you i only do what I want to do!!!! and my talking we are obviously being environmental and saving paper which is just ripped up and put in the bin
we discussed how our blog are going and was glad Elaine volunteered to help us out with the technical bits and bobs.
The over all analysis was how well the group has gelled together although a few felt a bit panicky aboiut getting it all done on time
Itwas interesting how we liked the size of the group if a few more it would be to big so maybe not able to get enough support , i think any less and it would not be so interesting meeting different people with all kinds of experiences , some of us were computer wizzkids and some at the beginingof this thing called BLOGGING
the size of the group was just right and so were all the people , maybe i have been reading to much goldilocks and the 3 bears. I was quite relieved to find out this blog is mine and can continue doing other things with it in the future . OH WELL heres hoping , that when we have our launch do in july sounds posh that !!! that it will not be the end of my ramblings sorry world !!!! watch out!!!
Sunday, 16 May 2010
We are coming to the end of our adventures of our adventures and I must admit when our little meetings can no longer take place although at times i must admit I feel stressed as the clock is ticking stronger and stronger for all our thoughts and feelings and not forgeting stories must be finished .I hate working to a deadline as i sometimes it is this what makes the creative processes slow down as become more concerned about increasing rush to get things finished .
OH well when i arrive i always feel calmer and really enjoy myself especially listening to other peoples stories and how different they all are but at the same time their is definitely links between them.
i felt relaxed listeniung to everyones stories and as per usual time just flewso of course we must all be having fun had alively salad from next door , we are in an ideal place with a choce of 3 eating places right on the dourstep,
After eating and drinking(tea session back on the compuer time and felt quite pleased as Elaine showed me how to get photos uploaded wether i will be able to do it again is another matter
I think next week will be our final session in the library so will remember to bring my tissues but i think i heared the mention of the word PARTY mentionedso not all bad news then!!!!!
looking back going forward 2
Janey had organised a visit (TYPICAL) she loved organising people but i decided to go mainly to shut her up if nothing else NAG ! NAG! down my ear , should maybe pick up some tablets from FOGGS chemist to shut her up or calm me down.
SO we,re off any one would think the world was ending " come on MUM you know how busy i am got a meeting the new boss at three"
WE get to the car and with the seat belts still in a twizzle we were off BRRRRROOM along the causeway I remember the fury of it being built , how we fought telling the developers surely their was another way of improving traffic flow,without demolishing so many homes and the houses were not the run of the mill terraced houses easily replaced , each one was special and all with stories to tell.
I remember going with OUR Billy to the meetings were all the so called important people were
with the suits neatly ironed but the ties were always crooked , perhaps to go with the contents of their brains!!!!
Funny how your bottle goes when you see someone in a suit or a woman with flowery dresses but I was proud of our BILLY Even with the smell of FISH but it was a friendly smell and somehow like home as the smell of the river seemed to be upon him and were would any of us be without the MERSEY.
"You cant rewrite history and try as you might you cannot rebuild it the smells and the sights can never be fully brought back , and like people it is not til they are gone you fully understand what you once had " I remember blushing like a beetroot when I heard this and he sat down to thunderous applause.
I believe in always hoping Even if it is as much as a flutter of a wing of a butterfly but I knew as I searched for my hankie that the people in their ironed clothes and wonky ties would win but at least I know we went down fighting
Janey had swung the car through the gates "COME ON " she said i don't think anyone could picture how i felt as I ventured nearer and closer to..........
Thursday, 13 May 2010
looking forward,going back 2
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
looking back going forward
I like to think back on happier times when my hubby owned the fish shop BIlly jones was his name, this was years ago when TRanmere was a proper community full of bustle and shops , but Even today I hear do you remember BILLY Jones who owned the fish shop and god i feel proud scuse me thinking of happier times always upsets me , NOW were did I put my hankie!?
Sorry things have been rough ,the last few years what with the passing of BIlly and of course the kids growing up as all kids do.
Billy the kid and little MIkey had families of their own now, and i do feel i am becoming a burdan which no-one wants them to be, busy with their own lives to far away , well they do live in MEOLS , but that's not MARS is it, well maybe it is to people around here.
That left our JANEY my one and only daughter but like alot of daughter /mother relationships it was like a box of matches going off in the back of a van full of fireworks.( get the picture)
I will now tell you why , and you are not going to believe it she thinks i am going do -lally me I,m as sane as they come just cause i leave a few taps on they seem to think i am insane., i mean me !!!
I t waaswhen Janey suggested the home she insisted on taking me round that my heat took a somersault and the beats went bumpty bump for the name of the house was BEACHLANDS nothing to awful about that but it was were it was situated none other than ROCK-Park my heart practically stopped but to Janey's dismay it never. PERHAPS I should explain the reasons why
Saturday, 8 May 2010
the continueing adventures of out on a limb
Today is Election day so who knows who will be in charge this time tomorrow but I am also wondering what today will bring as we are going sightseeing hoping to add things of interest on the day.
Margaret volunteered to give myself and Dot a lift so no transport worries , I Do like public transport but it is alot less worrying when being picked up as don't have anything coming over the speaker like "Sorry Margarets lift been cancelled so thanks for that!!!!
so off we go refreshments with us we're off on the famous FERRYACROSS THE MERSEY people are often amazed from outside the area when they find YES the ferry does exist!!!!!
I took maybe two photos as the camera was not mine I think i have told yo u i am new and i mean new to this world of technology but the one thing i don't want to do is drop someones camera into the MERSEY with an almighty SPLASH!!!!!!!!!!
Jenn was embarking at the journey at the WORLD famous PIER HEAD and with us all aboard we were all embarking on the river cruise yet again most of us had come on the ferry at WOODSIDE and elaine kindly treated us to liquid refreshment (TEA)!!!!!!!
The ferry drive brought a rosy glow to our cheeks as we sailed although the weather was more like MARCH than MAY!!!!!!
Back on dry land and it was off to ROCk -PARK ap lace for some absurd reason has a hold on me maybe along lost relative lived here a shiver goes down my spine as I look at the houses of unusual shapes and sizes and imagine the gentry who used to live their and think what the place could have been like if the powers that be had not in their wisdom put an ugly BY-PASS through knocking beautiful houses full of life and stories down that can never be replaced!!!!
I really enjjoyed the day but the only souvenier I picked up was a streaming cold!!!!!
Sunday, 2 May 2010
same house, differnt lives
A very tall gentleman was walking along by the riverside , the sun was in the sky and all seemed well with the world, or as well as could be expected.
I still remember the gentleman although many moons and probably rain clouds had passed since that day and i have long left my childhood days behind.
This is a rough few lines of what i am considering for my story there is more in my notebook that i am forming are roughly Rock park was started in 1836 and was ready roughly the year Queen Victoria came to the throne and thought could a little something about the grand houses being constructed . I am wondering how to move the story into the story of the house from were it was very grand insay 1910 and then move to how the place was ruined by the by- pass to the destruction of today . I am debating on w whether to make it more childlike like with finding something which lets them go between the times although I do NOT want to end up like science fiction try and keep the local aspect their. so what do people think all thoughts and criticisms gratefully accepted
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
I have a tree in my back garden

Saturday, 24 April 2010
The change of day means i have to remember my other commitments as singing in various old peoples homes , people just laugh when i tell them what i do and dont the people suffer enough without me singing for them , But it is a singing GROUP i said nothing about a choir adn it is purely FUN with a capital F.
Good got that off my chest i need not have worried as i was really sick for about 3 days and never moved off the sofa(get the violins out)so i never wen blogging and i never went singing wot did i do errrrrr sleepping and puking!!!
I heard on the grapevine that the group touched on how to link the stories together sound interesting still feal very much out on alimb as have no photography skills but you never know!! need something to brighten this up!!!1 and be a ray of sunshine instead of GLOOM AND DOOM
Saturday, 17 April 2010
The computer or alfie as i call him has a mind of his own pretty much like a toddler, and if he decides not to play blogging with me well he won,t and he does not like me editing my posts so having a bit of difficulty finishing off the stories as Alfie wont let me
.BOO HOO(who cares bothered)
We talked about the stories we had picked , most people seem used to putting photographs etc and i am just getting the hang of blogging so a bit wary of all these tecnologicalgadgets but the group is very friendly and when we are talking it is yap, yap yap as we havw known each other for always and not just for a few weeksso who knows what new skills i will learn as the course continues., well we can all dream cant we.
WE talked in pairs about were we could set our stories and the history of wirral such as the park the houses that people lived their lives in homes before progress came and bulldozed their lives out of the way!!!!
One of the issueswe talked about was sterotyping people and places such as certain areas in the wirral are classed as snobby and others you would not walk down the street witout bodyguards !!! ( get the picture)
Time flies when u are having fun and it was soon time for the most important dinner and yes i was fealing hungery.yum yum got a pastie , i am not obsessed with food honestly!!!!
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
iwas never allowed on the ferry
somhow soothing and had a rhythm about i found it soothing just standing at the shore . I knew I was only 10 well 1o and and 3/4 dont forget that bit but i felt awful telling my mates i wasn't allowed over to the other side when everyone else was allowed to!!! especially when well i dont know if you know him Billy jones who had the fish shop well he was allowed to go and he was only nine the other Saturday talk about being embarrassed!!!!!!
I think because i was told not to got their , that made the desire to go all the more especially when all the other kids in our neck of the woods seemed to have a full reign of all the exciting places in the neighbour hood and what could i do just stand and watch
I was invited over to the other side the promised land i used to ask my mam all the time what was it that made her not want me to go over to the other side
As time went on i felt more and more tempted to follow the others, as i felt my brain was being split in two and one side was well - behaved telling me not to go and the other side my devil side was saying go on go what harm can you do what can be possibly over their that cant be harmful.
I felt as if a war was going on inside my head and who was going to win would it be angel or devil good or evil only-time would tel
Well i think it is obvious to most people without going any further , that the DEVIL side won and i ignored my mothers advice and went with my so called friends over to the unforbidden
(to be continued...)
What do you think should come next?
Friday, 9 April 2010
Diary out on a limb
Thursday, 8 April 2010
An old lady said
I thought I was going to be safe here after the bad luck i have had over the years, i actually thought my luck,well at least maybe not change but may just alter by a tiny second millimetre., anything !!!!
I had an uneventful childhood, just me mumand dad and a cat , dog,and a hamster,OH and i nearly forgot a much older brother, well I say BROTHER, he was not a totally full blooded one as he used to think himself as he was most definitely only half a brother,as he was dads son from a previous relationship long before meeting mum. I actually knew very little about him til my 8th birthday one i will never forget not because I got the correct present,that i spent all of my life dreaming about. WHY i thought angrily do people presume that because i am a girl that therefore i must enjoy playing with dolls and sewing and least of all cooking . YUK ! YUk! and DOUBLE YUK!!!!!!!
NO this will be the birthday i will never forget and always remember as that was the one their was an uninvited guest at MY PARTY and this was supposed to have been someone i was PLEASED to meet, MY BROTHER who just appeared out of the sky like an alien come to stay
in MY house as his mother was apparently having some sort of problem, something to do with her head, but somehow i got the feeling , she had not fallen and hit her head but something not quite right with her head, i can remember thinking as if it was yesterday, WHAT could be wrong with her head?????
Maybe just Maybe she had an elephants head on a perfectly normal body, who knows, all i can remember is the raised voices that the stranger had brought with him
That is all i wrote in the 15 minute slot we were given and as you can see total free writing who knows were the story would go in longer time!!!! This shows how a story starts at one point and then tosess and turns and ends up in somewhere completely different then expected!!!!!!!