Sunday 2 May 2010

same house, differnt lives


A very tall gentleman was walking along by the riverside , the sun was in the sky and all seemed well with the world, or as well as could be expected.

I still remember the gentleman although many moons and probably rain clouds had passed since that day and i have long left my childhood days behind.

This is a rough few lines of what i am considering for my story there is more in my notebook that i am forming are roughly Rock park was started in 1836 and was ready roughly the year Queen Victoria came to the throne and thought could a little something about the grand houses being constructed . I am wondering how to move the story into the story of the house from were it was very grand insay 1910 and then move to how the place was ruined by the by- pass to the destruction of today . I am debating on w whether to make it more childlike like with finding something which lets them go between the times although I do NOT want to end up like science fiction try and keep the local aspect their. so what do people think all thoughts and criticisms gratefully accepted


  1. Hi Louise

    I think this is a great idea for a story. I really like the idea of the house being a character in it's own right. I wouldn't worry too much about moving the story between the old fashioned house and the house in the modern day - you can lay out your story in two parts on your blog and I think it will be clear that the two parts are about the same house. You could even choose a title that explains how the story works - something like:

    Number 89 Rock Park in 1836 and 2010.

    Don't forget for the next workshop bring a printed out or hand-written draft of your story so we can all work on the drafts together.

    Can't wait to see what you come up with!


  2. Hi Louise

    I thought you could be a old woman looking back to her childhood when she lived there but has now been moved out to accommodate the by-pass.Maybe she is being interviewed by someone and re-living her time there before being evicted to a nursing home in Rock Park..

  3. That's a good idea. And Margaret's story is going to be set in a nursing home, isn't it? So there's another link. She actually used to work in a nursing home so she'd have plenty of details to share with you if you needed to do any research about that.

  4. Hi Louise. Thanks for the comment about my photos I wish I could take the credit for getting them on my computer but I can`t `cos my son Kerem did them for me. He went back to Turkey yesterday, so I`m back to being as thick as I was before he came! - and it`ll show- you see!
    Look forward to seeing you on Thursday
