Thursday 13 May 2010

looking forward,going back 2

Rock PARK,just the words make my heart go " (flutter,flutter,bang") so not a healthy heartbeat by any streetch ofthe imagination.The memories just come flooding back just like the flood waters of NOAH erupting (I was not their, I'm old but not that old), some people have strong memories of KING GEORGE the V1 opening the tunnel or the famous remark , "I know exactly what I was doing and evan saying when Kennedy was shot.


  1. This is really begining to work now. I think your ideas today were really exciting, in fact I just want to write everyone's story now I am getting so into them all.

    Looking backwards can be really helpful ' with hindesite'

  2. Hi Louise

    this is a great picture. I can't wait to see what you come up with next! Have you tried doing the geo-locating on the google-map? That might be your next challenge because I think you've cracked blogging now!

    There are instructions on the Out On a Limb blog, or Elaine can email you the instructions again if you ask her.

    Good luck!
