Tuesday 25 May 2010

looking forward going back

Their was a stillness i felt even before going through the door,a stillness you could almost touch, i felt as if i was walking into a picture frame. A voice called out"hello Masie we have been expecting you,a cheerful voice called out"I'll be with you in a minute", i was led into a room with music oozing from i felt my legs take me in their as if they had a life of their own.The music,seemed strangely familiar,although if asked i would say not one for classical music but the majority of people say that then hum along. I walked in to a biggish room with about 7 to 8 people in a few siting , one sleeping and a couple dancing around all seemed at home in the house called BEACHLANDS but i was taken elsewhere as large french window was open and that is when i saw it. I felt my legs wobble and slightly give way as my eyes looked upon a derelict house with old raggedy curtains blowing in the wind. , WOOSH their i was a young slip of a girl who had a job as a maid in MR.Jacksons house, a post,I was so lucky to get i had been told "masie you have not got a job at rock park have you, I was brought up not that faraway in Tranmere but this is were the rich and the gentry lived th e ship owners as what could be better than looking across the Mersey to the city of liverpool. I was well -looked after and never actually felt as in service, more like having two families and it was here I first met our Blly who had a job as in the house also and no we were not like the folk from upstairs / downstairs but when we got older and saw the tv programme we used to howl laughing! Although we worked hard I remember the day fell for our Billy , the Jacksons were having one of their dancy things although the staff were officially still on duty we used to peep in at the gaiety of it all I suppose most people remember their first dance and what the music was but to me it was pure magic.......? I Felt a slight touch on my arm not quite noticeable but you knew it was their , sometimes you can feel the breeze of the wind on your body but is it really there "O.k Masie ready to come back through, it is getting a bit nippy out here"and was gently led away from the window and back towards the room were the music was getting louder and louder. I could not believe my ears the music coming from the player was none other ,I can hardly believe it , i knew my ears were not as strong as they used to be but i,d know it anywhere The BLue DANube" i looked across to the derelict house and i found myself smiling one of those secret smiles were only you are aware what the amusement and I knew i was going to be happy here. Janey was whisking me down the path "come on I dont want to be late"I followed at a pace to suit MYSELF giving myself just enough time to look at the gate were I could not be sure I saw a glimpse of a man in old -fashioned clothing entering once again my thoughts wondered back to NATHANIEL and the thoughts that a ghost will always return to the place it once lived especially if it was happy their and the home was no longer their and they walk about just as if their home was still standing . I was not worried or frightened as i knew this is were my new home was going to be and i knew I would always have the memories of the past to keep me happy!

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