Thursday 20 May 2010

continyeing adventures of out on alimb


Today was sadly the last proper meeting of our little community , although i have missed a few sessions due to transport or illness , i feel time has flown but we have promised to carry on with our new found hobby and Blog away to each other .
so fingers and toes crossed.

WE discussed the project as a whole which was goodas felt free and was interesting instead of the boring pieces of paper people love you to fill in , but i gaily refuse ,I think i have told you i only do what I want to do!!!! and my talking we are obviously being environmental and saving paper which is just ripped up and put in the bin
we discussed how our blog are going and was glad Elaine volunteered to help us out with the technical bits and bobs.
The over all analysis was how well the group has gelled together although a few felt a bit panicky aboiut getting it all done on time
Itwas interesting how we liked the size of the group if a few more it would be to big so maybe not able to get enough support , i think any less and it would not be so interesting meeting different people with all kinds of experiences , some of us were computer wizzkids and some at the beginingof this thing called BLOGGING
the size of the group was just right and so were all the people , maybe i have been reading to much goldilocks and the 3 bears. I was quite relieved to find out this blog is mine and can continue doing other things with it in the future . OH WELL heres hoping , that when we have our launch do in july sounds posh that !!! that it will not be the end of my ramblings sorry world !!!! watch out!!!


  1. Hi Lou

    I had sort of planned to do the evaluation as a writing exercise that you could all post on your blogs, but I think you're right the discussion was much more useful for me and everyone else and I think I will do it that way in the future.

    I'm also really glad you're looking forward to carrying on blogging after the writing part of the project is finished with. What do you think you will use your blog for?

    I agree with you, I think we had a nice sized group. If we started off with a group of people who were all experienced bloggers we might have been able to have a few more participants because we wouldn't have needed so much computer time, but actually I think the project is more interesting with a different and varied group of people, like you said.

    Carry on blogging, I will be reading from home!

  2. hi thanks for advice been to Wales for weekend hopeing to do more blogging but did not take photo lead with me!! typical!!I loooked at my brothers computer and he has a little photo thing to click on when he wants to add a picture but i cant find mine . I t was a bit of a mistake putting that blogging thing advice on the top but looking about for extra advice. I hope to carry on this blogging thing as have written things on shakespere like a diary and also think i can be of help to people who have autism as i am able to express myself but still know how it feels for people!!!. I must admit it is very addictive hope you are well love lou

  3. Hi Louise

    I think I am a bit addicted to blogging as well. I really like it because it gives me a chance to express myself and hear what other people think of my writing. It's also a really good way to make friends and meet like-minded people all over the world as well as in your community.

    I like the idea of you writing a blog that can be of help to people with autism. I think writing is a really powerful way for people to express themselves and blogging is a good way of sharing that writing.

    Keep blogging! If you have problems with anything technical just ask Elaine and she will be able to come and see you and show you what buttons to press! Keith and Jensen are pretty good too so they might be able to help you.
