Tuesday 11 May 2010

looking back going forward

I had been living quite happily off Old Chester road for more years than I could care to mention, I have always been happy here and the days were mainly sunshine but like most things in life what starts off as a sunny day the clouds begin to form and soon the rain is treachours,

I like to think back on happier times when my hubby owned the fish shop BIlly jones was his name, this was years ago when TRanmere was a proper community full of bustle and shops , but Even today I hear do you remember BILLY Jones who owned the fish shop and god i feel proud scuse me thinking of happier times always upsets me , NOW were did I put my hankie!?
Sorry things have been rough ,the last few years what with the passing of BIlly and of course the kids growing up as all kids do.
Billy the kid and little MIkey had families of their own now, and i do feel i am becoming a burdan which no-one wants them to be, busy with their own lives to far away , well they do live in MEOLS , but that's not MARS is it, well maybe it is to people around here.

That left our JANEY my one and only daughter but like alot of daughter /mother relationships it was like a box of matches going off in the back of a van full of fireworks.( get the picture)
I will now tell you why , and you are not going to believe it she thinks i am going do -lally me I,m as sane as they come just cause i leave a few taps on they seem to think i am insane., i mean me !!!

I t waaswhen Janey suggested the home she insisted on taking me round that my heat took a somersault and the beats went bumpty bump for the name of the house was BEACHLANDS nothing to awful about that but it was were it was situated none other than ROCK-Park my heart practically stopped but to Janey's dismay it never. PERHAPS I should explain the reasons why


  1. Hi Louise

    this is a great start... I like the way you've left us in suspense about the end of the story. Will you be posting that as a separate blog post?

    Don't forget to bring a hand-written or printed out version of your story to the workshop tomorrow.

    Thanks for commenting on everyone's blogs - I think it's really great you're being so supportive of other people's writing and blogging all through this workshop.

    See you tomorrow!

  2. The return of Billy Jones!! He's becoming something of a celebrity! Perhaps we should invite him to our event in June (or is he really dead?)

    Intriguing start to the story. Looking forward to the rest! I still need to get mine up. I am so far behind you all!

